Thursday, June 18, 2020


When Sushant has now suicided with depression as a reason , every single person writes that depression is not a shame and there is always someone to talk to etc etc etc. But in reality, when you tell someone that you’re depressed most times , people tend to wonder what’s there to be depressed about when he/she has a beautiful life and just advice to take life easy or to take a chill pill or to relax etc.  .. Well !! 

Depression can not be explained .. it cannot be discussed with or worked out with anyone.. it’s a process very personal to an individual .. and here is the bitter truth, but it needs to just be SELF-FOUGHT!

 Doesn’t matter how many friends we have or how many counselling organisations gets introduced in this world. It’s a very very very personal pain & experience (Sometimes mentally sometimes physically & sometimes both) & nobody ever, ever in this world can relate to an individual completely when they are depressed except for themselves. Which is why working on a strong self is very important so that when the mind loses interest in life, the heart provokes the interest to live & gives out a reason to live and finds strength in every way possible! 

Find peace within you for you and just for you whatever it takes. Do things that you love love n so love be it anythin! Stop thinking about others and think more about you literally all the time (it’s not called being selfish, it’s called being self-loving & self-aware). 

The more we give time for ourselves, the more we will be in peace and find happiness deep within which in turn will help during such times of depression & will also spread happiness to our surrounding. Yeah if talking to friends during bad times helps, do that.. but first make yourself your best friend that gives you more positivity and hope in life. That’s the best thing one can do to themselves to fight any damn mental or physical pain in life. 

If this post of mine is being read by someone somewhere in this world who is depressed right now, Just do this! Talk to yourself on how brilliantly & beautifully you have fought your mind all these days during different difficult times In life(be it anythin). 

Wipe your tears and cheer up. And you will in no time get back to a normal state of mind. All it calls for is a reminder on how strong you’re & keep reminding yourself for a lifetime.
#suman post